Related Page: Reporting issues with Plex Media Server Tip!: You’ll need to temporarily enable 'Verbose' logging (once you’re done, you should then disable Verbose logging). You can find out whether this is the case by examining your Plex Media Server.log file that covers your attempt to stream. If you’ve made sure that you’ve set your Plex App appropriately so that it requests the correct content stream and you still have buffering issues, the cause is likely that your Plex Media Server is struggling to be able to transcode content fast enough for you. Related Page: Google Store: Ethernet Adapter for Chromecast Plex Media Server Transcoding The Ethernet Adapter for Chromecast may also be useful. Some users may wish to try to extend their wireless network by placing a second wireless access point closer to the Chromecast location.

You may also wish to try testing with your wireless router and Chromecast device much closer together. Try switching the WiFi channel your router uses to a less crowded one. Even if other wireless devices in the same room may operate fine, unless the Chromecast itself has an excellent connection with your wireless router, you may still experience issues. Perhaps even more important, though, the wireless adapter in the first-generation Chromecast is very susceptible to network interference and low signal strength. Wireless home phones, microwaves, and the neighbor’s WiFi could all be crowding the band and possibly causing interference. This means that the connection is slightly slower than you might be used to, but also means that the Chromecast operates on a much more crowded wireless band. The wireless adapter that the first-generation Chromecast device uses operates on the 2.4GHz band, rather than the faster 5GHz band.
Related Page: Local Area Network : How To Fix Slow LAN Transfer Speed Of Files In Windows Chromecast Streaming Instructions can be found in this HowToSolutions article. Be sure to reboot your computer after making the change. You could try disabling this option to see if it helps resolve buffering issues. In some rare cases, though, it can dramatically (and negatively) affect network speed (and more commonly occurs on Windows 7).
Related Page: How do I choose the right Streaming Quality in an app? (Windows) Disable “Large Send Offload” (LSO) Driver Settingīy default, Windows makes use of “Large Send Offload”, which is a technique to improve network performance and is nearly always beneficial. It is not controlled on the Plex Media Server side. Tip!: The streaming speed/quality is controlled in the Plex app you’re using. The main thing to do for that is to choose the correct Streaming Quality for your situation. You’ll first want to ensure that you have your Plex App configured appropriately for your situation in regards to ensuring that you’re requesting an appropriate content stream. You’ll want to check your network connection and streaming speed first as you should make sure it’s set appropriately regardless.